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Featured Articles : The Magical Art of Storytelling

The Magical Art of Storytelling
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Submitted By: host | Added On: 1/9/2006 | Total Views (152) | Total Downloads: (0)
There’s nothing as wonderful as a child completely enraptured by a story.  With all the high-tech gadgets available to entertain children today, though, one would think it would be impossible to engage their attention without dizzying electronic lights, loud blaring music and fast-paced computer animation visuals.  Not so for the masterful storyteller, who can spin delightful, engrossing tales with just the voice and body.

Storytelling is a time-honored art that not only gives each culture its history but also adds value to education, makes learning fun, develops knowledge retention, inspires creativity and helps improve attention spans of even the youngest of viewers.  By skillfully utilizing an unlimited array of gestures, facial expressions and verbal inflections, storytellers can engage children and lead them on countless adventures; entertaining and inspiring them while quite often subtly teaching them morals, lessons and general kindnesses.

Storytelling is the oldest form of education. Stories capture the imagination, engage the emotions and open the minds of children. Reading a story to you child serves as a bridge between a child’s “first language” (gestures and speech) and “second language” (writing). Making the transition between your reading your bedtime story, having your child contribute to the story and having him/her actually tell you the story is an incredibly important developmental transition.

It was Albert Einstein who said that ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge,’” says Eddie Sax, of Sax Media Group, who along with his wife Charlotte, are the creators and producers of an exciting new product designed to enhance the storytelling experience for chidren from ages 5-12. The StoryWatchers Club DVD series brings together a collection of the nation’s most talented storytellers to impart to children the importance of developing and using their imaginations.  This will help strengthen their listening and verbal skills; inspire a yearning for reading and writing; and learn a wonderful new way to communicate and share their experiences with others.

The initial titles in the launch, “Keys to Imagination” and “Good Character” will be available direct-to-DVD February 14, 2006. In “Keys to Imagination,” children will learn that polar bears really can dance, the story of Cinderella is a bit different when told from the Fairy Godmother’s point of view, and a wide mouth frog can spark the creativity in all of us! 

In the StoryWatchers Club, a multi-cultural cast of puppets, humorously lead the way from one storyteller to the next. In “Good Character,” children will learn that greed will eventually catch up with them, what goes around comes around so being nice counts, teamwork can be more rewarding than doing it yourself, and you’ll never go wrong by doing what’s right.

To order StoryWatchers Club DVDs call toll free 1-877-STORY98 (877-786-7998) or visit http://www.storywatchersclub.com/.
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